ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Removing Graphics from Specific i-model Levels

Often source i-model files contain graphics that are not required in the VCM. These can include reserved areas for equipment (such as heat exchanger tube removal areas), pipe insulation, etc. These graphics are created on a separate level from the main object so that these objects can have their display turned off in the engineering authoring application.

Level 56

Level 42

To remove these graphics from the VCM, you can add these level names to the Decomposer Settings dialog.
The graphics on these levels will be removed from the VCM components during data processing in the ConstructSim Executive.

The value typed in the Level(s) name field is used as a matching substring for the i-model level. For example, if the target level name is “Insulation Level 50,” and you type “Level 50” in the field (without the quotes), then this would match. Similarly, just typing “50” also creates a match.

Multiple level names can be defined separated by commas. For example, typing “Insul, 45, 50” (without the quotes) would return level names like “Insulation Level”, “Reserved Space 45,” “PSA-50.”

The Root element checkbox is used in the case where the graphic cell contains the level graphics on the parent cell. These graphics usually are contained on separate levels in the child geometry of the cell. However, in some cases they can be on the parent cell itself. Checking this box processes both child and parent elements for processing.